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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 06/29/2009
Community Preservation Committee
June 29, 2009

Members present:  Roscoe Sandlin (RS), Chairman, Midge Sandlin (MS), Joe G. Strauch (JGS), Ken Fowler (KF), Jim Sorrentino (JS), Olga Weiss (OW) and James Jurney, Jr. (JJ).
Fred Keator (FK) and Scott Pignatelli (SP) absent with notification.

Also in attendance: Mary Albertson (MA), Town Planner.   

RS opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.  He introduced Ken Fowler who will serve as the Planning Board representative to the CPC.  

RS stated that the first order of business was to elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the coming year.  JS made a motion to nominate RS to serve as Chairman, seconded by MS.  The Committee voted 7-0 in favor.  RS thanked the committee members for their support.  MS made a motion to nominate FK to serve as Vice - Chairman, seconded by JS.  The Committee voted 7-0 in favor.  

OW made a motion to approve the March 23, 2009 minutes, seconded by JGS.  The Committee voted 7-0 in favor.

MA offered a review of the projects that were funded in FY09.  

  • Baker’s Pond -  in progress.
  • Money allocated to the Community Center Windows will be returned to the CPC general fund.
  • Sawmill Brook – Completed Phase II Engineering & Architect.
  • Cannon Restoration – Completed.
  • Curtis Porch - in progress.
  • Westinghouse Streetlights – in progress.
  • Church on the Hill – in progress
  • Library Debt service – completed.
JJ asked if the Community Center Window funds will be re-allocated to an historic preservation project.  RS and MA said the funds would be returned to the CPC general fund.  Discussion ensued regarding why the unspent funds had to be returned to the general fund.  RS explained that 10% must be spent or reserved for each of the 3 funding categories.  

RS asked if members would like to be more pro-active regarding future CPA projects.   MA and RS stated that there will be some unspent administrative funds for FY09 that could possibly be used for planning purposes.  OW suggested that the cemetery project is an example of a project that could benefit from administrative funds.  JGS is very interested in the cemetery project and would like the Historical Commission to make a presentation to the CPC.  MA suggested that the committee prepare a report identifying key open space parcels.  JJ suggested the Historical Commission would like to update its historic survey forms.  JGS suggested Berkshire Natural Resource Council would be a good organization to contact regarding potential open space projects.  
MA asked if members would ever consider appraisal costs as an appropriate use of administrative funds.  The consensus was that members do not favor using CPA administrative funds for land appraisals.  JJ made a motion to support using unspent FY 09 Administrative funds for planning projects, seconded by OW.  The Committee voted 7-0 in favor.
JJ asked if CPA funds could be used to fund a loan program.  MA will review this matter.  

MS read a letter from the Housing Authority thanking the committee for continuing to recommend funding for the Curtis Porch project.  

RS asked if members if purchasing additional land adjacent to Triangle Park would be a good use of CPA funds.  Members felt this would be a good idea as this is a very visible and important property in heart of the village.  RS will contact the owners and determine if the neighborhood would be interested in private contributions to match CPA funds.  

Members agreed to host a CPA Workshop in September to discuss potential projects.  This will allow the committee to be more pro-active and give input to potential applicants earlier in the process.   The workshop will be Monday – September 14 @ 7:00 PM.  MA will send an announcement through the town email system and notify prior applicants.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.  

Respectfully Submitted
Mary Albertson, Town Planner

Approved:   September 14, 2009